UE5 3D printer-like VFX
Sample video of this is here:
I was wondering how to make a 3d printer-like expression in Unreal Engine.
Mesh used in games usually isn't filled. So if you cut it, you can see the cavity of the mesh, which doesn't look good as 3d printer-like expression.
And I came up with the idea for one of the solutions to this problem.
This is the sample data I implemented to realize 3d printer-like expression which look cavity filled in UE5.
You can see the explanation here:
Here is the list of the data in this package:
・Blurprint × 1
・Render Target × 1
・Material × 3
・Material Instance × 7
・Material Function × 3
・Material Parameter Collection × 1
・Static Mesh × 2
・Level Sequence × 3
・Level × 3
You'll get a zip file. Once you download it, unzip it then you can find README.txt. Follow the step in the README to check this effect. If you have any trouble, feel free to contact me.